Writing Prep Menu

Roshaunda D. Cade, Ph.D.
1 min readJun 24, 2021

I was talking to my coach today, and I told him I don’t have a problem disciplining myself to sit down to write. My problem is once I’ve sat down, I may or may not have anything to write about. After exploring that problem through some powerful questions, I realized I lack the discipline to make sure I prep before sitting down to write.

So I decided to create a menu of prep activities I can choose from before each writing session. I’ll choose 2–3 prep activities to do before I write. You’ll see the activities in the image of the spreadsheet. (Who doesn’t love a good spreadsheet?) These prep activities make sense to me, because I tailor-made the list for myself. I invite you, however, to use any of these prep activities in any way that works for you.

Better yet, post a comment about how you prepare to write!

Published by Roshaunda D. Cade

I am an educator, writer, and creator. I live in St. Louis, MO with my husband and teenage children and enjoy reading, writing, dancing, and pushing my creative boundaries. View more posts

Originally published at https://lela-house.com on June 24, 2021.



Roshaunda D. Cade, Ph.D.

I’m owner and life writing coach at LELA House; lover of music, dance, nature and art; and founder of Sistahs on the Doctoral Journey (https://bit.ly/3gNMPPB)